Get HS code for any product. Instantly.

Unlock the power of AI to assign HS codes to your shipments.

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Discover the benefits of using AI technology for fast and accurate HS code assignment.

Transform your shipping operations into a competitive advantage, where every shipment is a step towards success.

Unmatched speed

< 5 seconds
time to HS code assignment

Global coverage

Our AI engine understands
millions of products

High precision

6500 classes
whole coverage of HTS

Faster movement of goods

Goods clear customs faster
Customers are more satisfied
Fewer goods are returned
Faster movement of goods

Quicker customs clearance leads to more satisfied customers and fewer returns.

Reduced costs

Save on labor and HR costs with an automated HS code assignment process. Get back your time on more important tasks.

Easy scalability

Handle millions of requests per month easily with a scalable system.

Easy implementation

Set up easily without technical knowledge and manage with a user-friendly interface or with an API key if you prefer.

Comprehensive records

Keep detailed logs of all HS code requests and assignments for complete oversight of shipped goods.

Reliable service

Rely on a cloud-based solution for consistent data and service availability.